Graduates Forum and Workshops

Wuppertal Graduate Forum “Narratology”

Since 2010 the Narrative Research Group has organized the interdisciplinary Wuppertal Graduate Forum on Narratology at the Center for Narrative Research (CNR) and the Center for Graduate Studies (CGS) at the University of Wuppertal on a regular basis:

  • 2010: “Erzählte Authentzität – Authentizität des Erzählens,” organized by Antonius Weixler (Programme)
  • 2011: “Zeit(en) erzählen. Narrative Verfahren – komplexe Konfigurationen,” organized by Antonius Weixler and Lukas Werner (Programme)
  • 2012: “Welten erzählen. Narrative Verfahren des (Un-)Möglichen,” organized by Christoph Bartsch and Christiane Scheeren (Programme)
  • 2013: “Postclassical Narratology. Cultural, Historical, and Cognitive Aspects of Narrative Theory,” organized by Daniel Hostert, Maria Leopold, and Lukas Preuß (Flyer)
  • 2014: “Pop Narratology. Social, Historical and Political Aspects of Pop Cultural Narratives,” organized by Daniel Becker and Anne-Catherine Höffer 2014 (Programme)
  • 2015: “Quo vadis, Narratologia? Perspektiven und Grenzen erzähltheoretischer Ansätze,” organized by Daniel Becker, Anna Hanrahan, Maria Hinzmann, Julia Nantke, and Eva Zimmermann (Flyer)
  • 2016: “Narrative Formen der Sinnstiftung: Möglichkeiten fiktionaler und faktualer Erzählungen,” organized by Carolin Gebauer, Dominique Hipp, Eva Kerski, and Pia Martin (Programme)
  • 2017: “Erzählen im Wandel: Den Fokus verschieben,” organized by Ulrike Ackermann, Thorsten Glückhart, Sebastian Kleinschmidt, and Tom Vanassche (Programme)
  • 2019: “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research,” organized by Lea Espinoza Garrido and Julia Wewior (Homepage)
  • 2022: “Agency, Community, Kinship – Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood,” Interdisciplinary Online Symposium, organized by Lea Espinoza Garrido, Carolin Gebauer, and Julia Wewior (Programme)


In addition to the Wuppertal Graduate Forum on Narratology, the Narrative Research Group has also organized workshops with a narratological focus.

  • 2011: “Raum. Theorie und Konfiguration,” at ALU Freiburg (Programme)
  • 2012: “Gattungsspezifisches Erzählen. Formen und Formwandel,” at BUW (Programme)
  • 2012: “1. Assoziiertentag der AG Erzählforschung,” at BUW (Programme)
  • 2013: “2. Assoziiertentag der AG Erzählforschung,” at BUW(Programme)
  • 2020: “Ecocriticism as a Current Trajectory in Narrative Research,” at BUW (Programme)