Narrative Research Group

The Narrative Research Group of the Center for Narrative Research (CNR) offers (post-)doctoral and master’s students the opportunity to exchange ideas, to present own approaches, views and projects on the topic of narrative, as well as to discuss their research in a small group. In addition to discussing the research projects of our members, we also set out to explore recent narratological publications as well as the history of narrative research. Our joint perusal of ‘classics’ of narrative research on the one hand and literary texts on the other integrates theory and practice in a reflective way.

The Narrative Research Group functions as a discussion forum for scholars working in the field of narrative theory at the University of Wuppertal. It also serves as a link between the Center for Graduate Studies (CGS), the Center for Narrative Research (CNR), and other affiliated institutions.

Our meetings take place on a regular basis during the lecture period by arrangement.

Scholars and Master’s students from the University of Wuppertal or other universities who are interested in our activities are cordially invited to become members of the working group.

Organization of the Narrative Research Group / Contact persons: Lea Espinoza Garrido, Dr. Carolin Gebauer, Julia Wewior.

E-Mail: narrative[at]