Genetic Narratology and Thomas Pynchon's first novel, V. (1963)

08.12.2022|18:00 Uhr

In the winter semester of 2022/2023, the Narratological Colloquium of the "Center for Narrative Research" at the University of Wuppertal invites you to the following lecture by Prof. Dr. Luc Herman (Antwerpen):

8.12.2022, 18-20 Uhr (Senatssaal, K.11.07 and online) 
Prof. Dr. Luc Herman (Antwerpen): Genetic Narratology and Thomas Pynchon’s First Novel, V. (1963)

In 2001, the Harry Ransom Center (Austin, TX) acquired a typescript of V.. The correspondence with his editor at Viking documents the hard and efficient work that was done by Pynchon to get from typescript to published novel. In a crucial passage added during the rewriting process, the author can be said to reflect on his own performance of historical fiction, and more specifically on the significance of multiple focalisation for that genre. After a quick presentation of the genetic dossier, the lecture will branch out from this passage to contribute to a narrative theory of the historical novel.

If you would like to attend Luc Herman’s lecture via Zoom, you can register here: