Tracing Creativity? Genetic Narratology in Dialogue with Cognitive Approaches to Literature (Wintersemester 2022/23)

19.01.2023|18:00 Uhr

Im Wintersemester 2022/2023 lädt das Narratologische Kolloquium des „Zentrums für Erzählforschung“ der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal zu folgendem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Karin Kukkonen (Oslo) ein:

19.1.2023, 18-20 Uhr (Senatssaal K.11.07 und online)

Prof. Dr. Karin Kukkonen (Oslo): Tracing Creativity? Genetic Narratology in Dialogue with Cognitive Approaches to Literature

Cognitive literary studies have (so far) largely focussed on the reception-side of literature. How do readers make meaning, how do they feel for characters and experience the suspense of a literary plot? The question of how writers create these effects in the first place is at least as intriguing, but more difficult to answer. Genetic methods, investigating how authors move between different drafts and variants, I will argue, offer a feasible approach. Drawing on genetic case studies in individual and collective authorship, I propose to make a case for genetic criticism as a means to investigate the development of narrative elements, like plot, focalisation and characters, in the creative process.

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