»Postclassical Narratology - Cultural, Historical, and Cognitive Aspects of Narrative Theory« (Sommersemester 2013)

14.06.2013|11:55 Uhr

4. Wuppertaler Graduiertenforum Narratologie (22. - 25.06.2013)

Narratology in its postclassical phase goes beyondthe consideration of textual features alone, and alsoconsiders the production and/or reception aspectsof narratives (rhetorical, cognitive, and affectivenarratology), the development of certain narrativestructures in specific historical periods (historicalnarratology), and the analysis of the various negotiationsof cultural aspects in narrative texts (e.g.feminist, Marxist, postcolonial, intercultural, andethnic narratology). Most recently, the debate on‘natural’ vs. ‘unnatural’ narratology constitutes aninteresting new contribution to the postclassicalremodelling of narrative theory.

This conference addresses doctoral students fromvarious disciplines such as literary studies, culturalstudies, cognitive studies, history, sociology, philosophy,and theology who share a common interestin narrative theory and storytelling.

