Call for Papers

20.12.2010|00:00 Uhr

Storyworlds across Media. Mediality – Multimodality – Transmediality

Die Organisatoren der internationalen Konferenz "Storyworlds across Media. Mediality – Multimodality – Transmediality ", welche vom 30.06 bis zum 02.07.2011 an der Johannes-Gutenberg Universität stattfinden wird, rufen zur Einreichung von Beiträgen auf.

Arbeiten zu folgenden Themen werden erwünscht:

  • Transmedial narratological concepts
  • Mediality of Narrative
  • Intermedial Relations
  • Transmedial Narration

Unter dem nachstehenden Link finden Sie das offizielle Schreiben der Veranstalter:

CFP (updated) Storyworlds


Storyworlds across Media. Mediality - Multimodality - Transmediality
June 30 - July 2, 2011 at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Thursday, June 30


10:00-10:45 Karl N. Renner (Mainz):
Introductory Remarks

10:45-11:30 Marie-Laure Ryan (Boulder/Mainz):
Storyworlds across Media

Panel 1: Transmedial Worlds

12:00-12:45 Lisbeth Klastrup/Susana Tosca (Copenhagen):
A Game of Thrones: Transmedial Worlds, Fandom, and Social Gaming

12:45-13:30 Colin B. Harvey (London/Bournemouth):
A Taxonomy of Transmedia Storytelling

13:30-14:15 Van Leavenworth (Umea):
The Developing Storyworld of H. P. Lovecraft

Panel 2: Transmedial Storytelling

15:45-16:30 Jason Mittell (Middlebury):
Strategies of Storytelling on Transmedia Television

16:30-17:15 Mélanie Bourdaa (Bourdeaux):
The Many Facets of Transmedia Storytelling

17:15-18:00 Maria L. Leavenworth (Umea):
Transmedial Narration and Good and Evil Vampires

Friday, July 1

Panel 3: Transmedial Concepts

10:00-10:45 Frank Zipfel (Mainz):
Fictionality across Media: Transmedial Concepts of Fictionality

10:45-11:30 J. Alexander Bareis (Lund):
Mediality and Mediation: The Role of the Narrator in Transmedial Narratology

11:30-12:15 Jan-Noël Thon (Hamburg/Mainz):
Subjectivity across Media: On Transmedial Strategies of Subjective

Panel 4: Visual Storytelling

14:00-14:45 Patrick C. Hogan (Connecticut):
Painting as a Challenge to Narrative Discourse Analysis: The Visual
Art of Rabindranath Tagore

14:45-15:30 Werner Wolf (Graz):
Triggers (Framings) of Narrativity in Literature and Painting

15:30-16:15 Gyöngyvér Horváth (Budapest):
Narrative Ramification: A Visual Response to Transmedial Narration

Panel 5: Multimodal Storytelling

16:45-17:30 Jared Gardner (Ohio/Mainz):
Graphic Narrative and New Media Convergence

17:30-18:15 Wolfgang Hallet (Giessen):
The Rise of the Multimodal Novel: Generic Change and Its
Narratological Implications

18:15-19:00 Jeff Thoss (Graz):
Media Rivalry Revisited: The Case of Scott Pilgrim

Saturday, July 2

Panel 6: Interactive Storytelling

10:00-10:45 Jesper Juul (Copenhagen/New York):
The Paradox of Interactive Tragedy: Can a Video Game have an Unhappy Ending?

10:45-11:30 Michael Fuchs (Graz):
"It’s Not a Lake. It’s an Ocean." Alan Wake, Transmedia Storytelling,
and Meta-Media-Convergence

11:30-12:15 Marco Carraciolo (Bologna):
Those Insane Dream Sequences: Distorted Experience in Literature and
Video Games

Panel 7: Spatial Storytelling

14:00-14:45 Elke Huwiler (Amsterdam):
Storytelling in Performances: A Historical Perspective

14:45-15:30 April G. Wei (Hong Kong):
A Poetics of Navigational Narrative

15:30-16:15 Erwin Feyersinger (Insbruck):
Transferring Narratological Concepts of Space to Augmented Reality

16:15-16:30 Marie-Laure Ryan/Karl N. Renner/Jan-Noël Thon:
Closing Remarks

Participation is free, but since the number of participants is limited, registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Please be sure to register no later than May 31, 2011 by sending your name and institutional affiliation to storyworlds[at]